Nova Gorica 2025
Nova Gorica se skupaj z Gorico uradno poteguje za naziv Evropske prestolnice kulture (EPK) Kandidatura GO!.
Nova gorica 2025. Brezmejno, njihov cilj pa je tudi urbanističen biti kot eno mesto, čeprav z različnima kulturama To je verjetno pretehtalo, da so sicer v hudi slovenski konkurenci Novogoričani zmagali in v bistvu nepričakovano porazili Ljubljano in še nekaj kandidatk. (ANSA) Rome, December 18 The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy's Gorizia, just across the border from each other, will be the 25 European Capital of Culture The announcement that the. Nova Gorica je za EPK 25 kandidirala v sodelovanju s čezmejno Gorico Kandidaturo so poimenovali Go!.
Zdaj se lahko sprostimo in uživamo, saj je pred nami 5 neverjetnih let. Gravestone of Ettore Morpurgo, in cemetery in Nova Gorica The twin cities of Gorizia, Italy and Nova Gorica, Slovenia have jointly be named the European Capital of Culture (ECC) for 25, based on the unique transnational nature of the two cities, which lie next to each other on either side of the ItalySlovenia borderWe have written several times about their shared Jewish heritage, which is. A city from Slovenia and another from Germany (Chemnitz) will be chosen as the 25 European Capital of Culture The city of Nova Gorica is aiming at the title while presenting its crossborder cooperation with neighbouring Gorizia as one of its advantages The two cities are going to prepare a joint programme to both promote and strengthen the resources of a unique crossborder area.
Nova Gorica in Gorica znamenje za Evropo, ki je sposobna sprejemanja »Naslov Evropska prestolnica kulture 25, ki je bil podeljen skupaj Novi Gorici in Gorici, naj bo zgled za Evropo ljudstev, ki se spominja svojih korenin in je sposobna sprejemanja«. Upon declaring Nova Gorica the victor, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, stated that “After Maribor in 12, Nova Gorica will be the second city in Slovenia to host the European Capital of Culture title in 25. 25 sulla linea del traguardo.
1,278 Followers, 304 Following, 185 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from GO!. Podčrtal je še, da bosta Nova Gorica in Gorica leta 25 prva prestolnica na svetu v dveh državah "To je izjemnega pomena Vsa Evropa nas bo gledala in pokazati želimo, da ima smisel, da smo povezani prek državnih meja, da rastemo skupaj in združimo resurse, kajti skupaj imamo veliko bogastvo". 25 GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia 48K views · December 10, Related Pages See All SNG Nova Gorica 7,6 Followers · Performance Art Theatre Gorizia Oggi 7,315 Followers · Newspaper.
GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia is at Etko Tutta Atelier 23 hrs · Sempeter Pri Gorici, Slovenia · 🎨 Art Circle Slovenia is a project, managed by ETKO TUTTA and KLemen Brun in which artists from various countries work with winegrowing estates and hotels from the regions of Brda and Vipavska dolina Vipava Valley , create art and exhibit. The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy’s Gorizia will become the 25 European Capitals of Culture The announcement was made by the Slovenian committee on 19 December and was followed by inhabitants of the two cities celebrating in the streets, reports ANSA. Cycling race Giro d’Italia this year will go also through Slovenian part of the GO!.
Nova Gorica competed with Ljubljana, Piran and Ptuj to be recommended to become the European Capital of Culture 25 in Slovenia The chairperson of the European Capitals of Culture Expert panel announced on 18 December that the city of Nova Gorica has been recommended for the European Capital of Culture 25 title in Slovenia. Congratulations to Chemnitz, Nova Gorica and Gorizia, the European Capitals of Culture 25!. 1912 – 1230 – The Slovenian Committee has announced that Nova Gorica and Gorizia will be European Capital of Culture 25 Ljubljana, Piran and Ptuj were in the running for the honorary title – awarded every year to two cities belonging to two different EU Member States This initiative, unique in Europe, was made possible by the farsightedness of all the players involved public.
Novice Goriška regija in njeno središčno somestje Nove Gorice in Gorice je gotovo primer teritorija, ki ga je prejšnje krvavo stoletje zelo prizadelo in kjer se rane občutijo še danes Zato je nujno, da poleg formalne združitve leta 04 in padca mej tri leta kasneje, Nova Gorica in njena starejša sestra na italijanski strani ter celoten prostor nekoč skupne. Mestna občina Nova Gorica v sodelovanju s Kulturnim domom Nova Gorica in Primorskimi novicami vabi v ponedeljek, 7 maja 18, ob 19 uri v malo dvorano Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica na predstavitev in javno razpravo GO!. Posted by GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia on Thursday, 31 December Italijanski predsednik republike v silvestrskem nagovoru izpostavil skupno osvojeni naslov za Evropsko prestolnico kulture leta 25 Nel discorso di Capodanno, il Presidente della Repubblica italiana ha evidenziato il titolo di Capitale europea della cultura 25 vinto.
GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia, Nova Gorica 35K likes Kandidatura je enkratna zgodba o starem in novem, o ločenem in sodelujočem, o premagovanju žičnih in jezikovnih ovir La candidatura è una. Borderless Outbidding Ljubljana, Ptuj and Piran, Nova Gorica said. Nova Gorica in Slowenien und das benachbarte Görz (Gorizia) im italienischen Friaul Julisch Venetien werden 25 gemeinsam zur Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt 25 aufrücken.
25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia Smo v 2 krogu tekmovanja za Evropsko prestolnico kulture 25 Evropska prestolnica kulture (EPK) je naziv, ki ga Evropska komisija vsako leto podeli dvema mestoma v uniji Nosilec naziva pripravi celoletni program, s katerim se postavi v evropsko kulturno žarišče in razvije programe, pomembne za prihodnost. Nova Gorica in Gorica znamenje za Evropo, ki je sposobna sprejemanja »Naslov Evropska prestolnica kulture 25, ki je bil podeljen skupaj Novi Gorici in Gorici, naj bo zgled za Evropo ljudstev, ki se spominja svojih korenin in je sposobna sprejemanja«. Reading Time < 1 minute by In Trieste The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy’s Gorizia will become the 25 European Capitals of Culture The announcement was made by the Slovenian committee on 19 December and was followed by inhabitants of the two cities celebrating in the streets, reports ANSA The Italian president Sergio Mattarella congratulated the two cities.
Od štirih mest, ki so se uvrstila v finalni izbor za Evropsko prestolnico kulture 25 – Ljubljane, Nove Gorice, Pirana in Ptuja – je na koncu slavila Nova Gorica, pridružila se bo nemški prestolnici Chemnitz, ki je bila izbrana že oktobra. Carissimi, NOVA GORICA E GORIZIA SONO CAPITALE EVROPEA DELLA CULTURA 25 !!!. Nova Gorica is planning more than 600 cultural events and more than 60 projects for 25 bringing together over 250 partners from Slovenia and 34 other countries Congratulating the city, Slovenian Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti said he was very happy about the pick, being that it is a joint bid by the two cities.
Hildesheim was a candidate for the title “European Capital of Culture 25”, and as a cultural region with new perspectives for Europe we made it to the shortlist of five German cities. In 19 Nova Gorica and Gorizia set themselves an ambitious goal – to become a crossborder European Capital of Culture in 25 Regardless of the success of the candidacy, the two Administrations, aided by the EGTC, have decided to continue the process of connecting the two cities by planning a common central area on the state border in the. BORDERLESS je zgodba, v kateri se spomini na preteklost in vizije za prihodnost prepletajo in ustvarjajo konkretno, participativno in učinkovito kulturno strategijo, ki želi dolgoročno izboljšati kakovost življenja prebivalcev celotnega obmejnega območja.
Among the 4 shortlisted Slovenian cities (Ljubljana, Piran, Ptuj and Nova Gorica), Nova Gorica was recommended to become the European Capital of Culture 25. Izbirna komisija je priporočila Novo Gorico kot tisto slovensko mesto, ki bo leta 25 skupaj z nemškim mestom Chemnitz nosilo naziv Evropska prestolnica kulture (EPK) Nova Gorica je kandidaturo za EPK 25 pripravila v sodelovanju s čezmejno Gorico Poimenovali so jo Go!. 1912 – 1230 – The Slovenian Committee has announced that Nova Gorica and Gorizia will be European Capital of Culture 25 Ljubljana, Piran and Ptuj were in the running for the honorary title – awarded every year to two cities belonging to two different EU Member States This initiative, unique in Europe, was made possible by the farsightedness of all the players involved public.
Among the 4 shortlisted Slovenian cities (Ljubljana, Piran, Ptuj and Nova Gorica), Nova Gorica was recommended to become the European Capital of Culture 25. Nova Gorica bo v sodelovanju z Gorico Evropska prestolnica kulture (EPK) 25 V izboru za EPK je sodelovalo šest mest, v ožji izbor pa so se uvrstila štiri mesta, in sicer Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Piran (v sodelovanju tudi s Koprom) in Ptuj. Podčrtal je še, da bosta Nova Gorica in Gorica leta 25 prva prestolnica na svetu v dveh državah "To je izjemnega pomena Vsa Evropa nas bo gledala in pokazati želimo, da ima smisel, da smo povezani prek državnih meja, da rastemo skupaj in združimo resurse, kajti skupaj imamo veliko bogastvo".
Nova Gorica_Slovenija e Gorizia_Italia Capitale europea della cultura 25 23 gennaio 21 Video di partecipazione del Forum Gorizia al Forum Sociale Mond. Nova Gorica i njemački grad Chemnitiz stvoriti će dinamičan dvojac koji će iskoristiti ovaj naslov na najbolji način i osigurati njegove dugoročne kulturne, ekonomske i socijalne koristi U skladu s Odlukom Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća, koje upravljaju djelovanjem Unije Europskih prijestolnica kulture, 25 godine bit će dvije. Nova Gorica_Slovenija e Gorizia_Italia Capitale europea della cultura 25 23 gennaio 21 Video di partecipazione del Forum Gorizia al Forum Sociale Mond.
25 Nova Gorica 25 Evropska prestolnica kulture. Nova Gorica and Gorizia are European Capital of Culture 25 0212 Candidatura GO!. Prikaži več · mostra altro Leta 25 bo eno slovensko mesto Evropska prestolnica kulture · Nel 25 una città slovena sarà Capitale europea della cultura.
Nova GoricaGorizia European Capital of Culture 25 (2) is an honorary title awarded each year to two cities belonging to two different EU member states The initiative aims to protect the richness and diversity of European culture, to enhance the peoples' shared features, and a system to generate a significant economic result. Nova Gorica has been recommended for the European Capital of Culture 25 title in Slovenia Nova Gorica, in western Slovenia, competed with Ljubljana, Piran and Ptuj Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said “Congratulations to Nova Gorica, its public authorities, its cultural institutions and its inhabitants on winning the national. 25 Nova Gorica 25 Evropska prestolnica kulture.
Nova Gorica je za EPK 25 kandidirala v sodelovanju s čezmejno Gorico Kandidaturo so poimenovali Go!. By Adam Smulevich The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy’s Gorizia, just across the border from each other, will be the 25 European Capital of Culture and their shared Jewish heritage, which include the 18th century synagogue and former Jewish ghetto in Gorizia and the historical Jewish cemetery a few hundred meters away on the Slovenian side, will play an important role. Upon declaring Nova Gorica the victor, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, stated that “After Maribor in 12, Nova Gorica will be the second city in Slovenia to host the European Capital of Culture title in 25.
A city from Slovenia and another from Germany (Chemnitz) will be chosen as the 25 European Capital of Culture The city of Nova Gorica is aiming at the title while presenting its crossborder cooperation with neighbouring Gorizia as one of its advantages The two cities are going to prepare a joint programme to both promote and strengthen the resources of a unique crossborder area. Brezmejno V ožji izbor so se uvrstili Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Ptuj in Piran. (ANSA) Rome, December 18 The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy's Gorizia, just across the border from each other, will be the 25 European Capital of Culture The announcement that the.
In 19 Nova Gorica and Gorizia set themselves an ambitious goal – to become a crossborder European Capital of Culture in 25 Regardless of the success of the candidacy, the two Administrations, aided by the EGTC, have decided to continue the process of connecting the two cities by planning a common central area on the state border in the. Nova Gorica je kandidaturo za EPK 25 pripravila v sodelovanju s čezmejno Gorico Poimenovali so jo Go!. Mestna občina Nova Gorica v sodelovanju s Kulturnim domom Nova Gorica in Primorskimi novicami vabi v ponedeljek, 7 maja 18, ob 19 uri v malo dvorano Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica na predstavitev in javno razpravo GO!.
(ANSA) Rome, December 18 The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy's Gorizia, just across the border from each other, will be the 25 European Capital of Culture. GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia is at Etko Tutta Atelier 23 hrs · Sempeter Pri Gorici, Slovenia · 🎨 Art Circle Slovenia is a project, managed by ETKO TUTTA and KLemen Brun in which artists from various countries work with winegrowing estates and hotels from the regions of Brda and Vipavska dolina Vipava Valley , create art and exhibit. GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia, Nova Gorica 43K likes Kandidatura je enkratna zgodba o starem in novem, o ločenem in sodelujočem, o premagovanju žičnih in jezikovnih ovir La candidatura è una.
Nova Gorica in Slowenien und das benachbarte Görz (Gorizia) im italienischen Friaul Julisch Venetien werden 25 gemeinsam zur Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt 25 aufrücken. Nova Gorica e Gorizia sono Capitale Evropea della Cultura 25!. Nova Gorica in Gorica znamenje za Evropo, ki je sposobna sprejemanja »Naslov Evropska prestolnica kulture 25, ki je bil podeljen skupaj Novi Gorici in Gorici, naj bo zgled za Evropo ljudstev, ki se spominja svojih korenin in je sposobna sprejemanja«.
The city of Nova Gorica has announced that in 25, they are planning more than 600 cultural events and more than 60 projects with different partners Within the framework of the projects, the city is bringing together 251 partners from Slovenia and 34 other countries. Hvala, da ste držali pesti – očitno je delovalo!. Na Mestni občini Nova Gorica smo na novinarski konferenci v torek, 9 maja 17, predstavili projekt Participativnega proračuna, ki smo ga poimenovali Povej naglas – za vse nas V proračunu mestne občine za leto 18 je zanj namenjenih evrov, ki bodo razdeljeni na pet območij – mestno in štiri podeželska.
(ANSA) Rome, December 18 The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy's Gorizia, just across the border from each other, will be the 25 European Capital of Culture The announcement that the. GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia K views · December 18, 103 Borderless beer & GO!. 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia (@go_25).
(ANSA) Rome, December 18 The Slovenian city of Nova Gorica and Italy's Gorizia, just across the border from each other, will be the 25 European Capital of Culture The announcement that the. The European Capitals of Culture Expert panel recommended the Slovenian border city of Nova Gorica to be the European Capital of Culture 25 along with Germany’s Chemnitz Nova Gorica mounted its bid together with Gorizia on the Italian side of the border with the slogan Go!. Nova Gorica competed with Ljubljana, Piran and Ptuj to be recommended to become the European Capital of Culture 25 in Slovenia The chairperson of the European Capitals of Culture Expert panel announced on 18 December that the city of Nova Gorica has been recommended for the European Capital of Culture 25 title in Slovenia.
Nova Gorica is planning more than 600 cultural events and more than 60 projects for 25 bringing together over 250 partners from Slovenia and 34 other countries Congratulating the city, Slovenian Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti said he was very happy about the pick, being that it is a joint bid by the two cities. Posted by GO 25 Nova Gorica · Gorizia on Friday, 18 December Dragi vsi, Nova Gorica je z Gorico EVROPSKA PRESTOLNICA KULTURE 25!!!. 25 z geslom GO!.
25 area Our first month as the European Capital of Culture President Mattarella mentions Nova Gorica and Gorizia ECOC in this New Year’s Eve address to the nation Wishes do come true. Brezmejno, njihov cilj pa je tudi urbanističen biti kot eno mesto, čeprav z različnima kulturama To je verjetno pretehtalo, da so sicer v hudi slovenski konkurenci Novogoričani zmagali in v bistvu nepričakovano porazili Ljubljano in še nekaj kandidatk.
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Nova Gorica 2025 のギャラリー
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Gorizia Ita And Nova Gorica Slo Will Both Be European Capital Of Culture In 25 Europe
Nova Gorica Gorizia Nuova Capitale Europea Cultura 25 Gorizia News
Nova Gorica And Gorizia Will Be European Capital Of Culture 25 Teller Report
Zmagovalka Epk 25 Nova Gorica
Agcult Capitale Europea Cultura 25 Vittoria Per La Candidatura Nova Gorica Gorizia
Nova Gorica Gorizia Saranno Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Meteoweb
Nova Gorica And Gorizia Are European Capital Of Culture 25 Gect Go Ezts Go
Announcement Of Nova Gorica As The European Capital Of Culture 25 360 Degrees Youtube
Project Nova Gorica Gorizia Candidature For European Capital Of Culture 25 Isig Institute Of International Sociology
Eu S Capital Of Culture In 25 Will Be Nova Gorica Radio Si
Ziberna And Miklavic Protagonists Of The First Episode Of Virtual Cafe With Go 25 Nova Gorica Gorizia Gect Go Ezts Go
Nova Gorica Gorizia To Be 25 European Capital Of Culture Lifestyle Ansa It
Ljubljana Nova Gorica Piran In Ptuj V Drugi Krog Za Epk 25 Drustvo Turisticnih Novinarjev Slovenije
Nova Gorica Bo Evropska Prestolnica Kulture Leta 25 Marijanzlobec
Mittelfest Omaggia La Designazione Di Gorizia Nova Gorica A Capitale Della Cultura Europea 25 Con Un Concerto Dell Orchestra Fvg Instart Magazine
Nova Gorica To Be The European Capital Of Culture 25 In Slovenia
Il Tandem Gorizia Nova Gorica Capitale Europea Della Cultura Del 25
Go 25 Seconda Fase Di Selezione Per Nova Gorica E Gorizia Andrea Tomasella
Nova Gorica To Be The European Capital Of Culture 25 In Slovenia Creative Europe Desk Slovenia
Nova Gorica E Gorizia Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Siviaggia
Capitali Europee Della Cultura 25 Nominate Nova Gorica E Gorizia Corriere It
Gorizia Sara Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Assieme Alla Slovena Nova Gorica
Nova Gorica Ptuj Ljubljana Piran On Shortlist For Eu Capital Of Culture 25
Dove C Era Un Muro Ecco La Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Gorizia E Nova Gorica Insieme Mola Libera Giornale Indipendente
Go 25 Nova Gorica Gorizia Added A Go 25 Nova Gorica Gorizia Facebook
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Gorizia E Nova Gorica Due Gorizie Una Citta Un Europa Italia Aree Home Osservatorio Balcani E Caucaso Transeuropa
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Nova Gorica Bo Evropska Prestolnica Kulture 25 Zdruzenje Mestnih Obcin Slovenije
Nova Gorica E Gorizia Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Megazine
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Nova Gorica To Be The European Capital Of Culture 25 In Slovenia Creative Europe Desk Slovenia
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Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Nova Gorica E Gorizia Unite In Nome Dell Europa Euractiv Italia
Slowenien 25 Nova Gorica Und Gorizia Werden Kulturhauptstadt Europas Gorz
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25 Nova Gorica Und Gorizia Werden Kulturhauptstadt Europas Kleinezeitung At
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Announcement Of Nova Gorica As The European Capital Of Culture 25 Little Planet Youtube
Nova Gorica Kandidatka Za Epk 25 Lipov List
Gorizia E Nova Gorica Saranno Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 L Annuncio Fa Gioire Le Due Citta
Nova Gorica Z Gorico Evropska Prestolnica Kulture 25
Gect Go Ezts Go European Capital Of Culture 25 Nova Gorica And Gorizia Have Passed The First Selection Phase Goborderless Go25 Novagoricagorizia25 T Co Vbhj6cbc0w
Four Cities Short Listed For European Capital Of Culture 25 In Slovenia Creative Europe
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Go 25 Ce L Abbiamo Fatta Andrea Tomasella
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Go 25 Instagram Profile With Posts And Stories Picuki Com
Nova Gorica To Be 25 European Capital Of Culture Demokracija
Pahor Mattarella Congratulate Nova Gorica On Ecc 25 Title Demokracija
Gorizia La Citta Sara Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Con Nova Gorica
Nova Gorica Nicht Ljubljana Chemnitz Inside
Ljubljana Nova Gorica Piran In Ptuj V Drugem Krogu Za Naziv Evropske Prestolnice Kulture Za Leto 25 Slovenija
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Cde News Corporate Dispatch Your News Feed Nova Gorica
Home Page En Go 25
Nova Gorica To Be The European Capital Of Culture 25 In Slovenia
Nova Gorica E Gorizia Trionfano Saranno La Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Il Goriziano
Nova Gorica To Be The European Capital Of Culture 25 In Slovenia Creative Europe
Nova Gorica E Gorizia Capitali Europee Cultura 25 Mons Bizjak Koper E Mons Redaelli Gorizia Le Nostre Due Comunita Ecclesiali Sono Figlie Nella Fede Agensir
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Gorizia Capitale Europea Della Cultura 25 Cosa Fare E Vedere
Nova Gorica Named 25 European Capital Of Culture
Gorizia E Nova Gorica Sono Capitali Europee Della Cultura 25
Gect Go Ezts Go Go Borderless First Launch Event For The Candidacy Of Nova Gorica And Gorizia For European Capital Of Culture 25 Borderless Gorizia Mong T Co Rbywtjl7mg
Go 25 Pika Nuc
Home Hildesheim 25
Epk 25 Gorica In Nova Gorica V Drugi Krog Skgz